Wednesday, January 21, 2009

First Time Blogger

I would like to start off with a cheerful "Hello!" to the blogging community. I have never had a blog before, unless the livejournal I had when I was thirteen falls into that category. The entire concept of being a blogger is very daunting to me. To think that I will post my thoughts and questions on here for not only my own benefit, but to help others in my class is beyond my imagination. I look forward to reading what my TE 448 classmates have to say about the different topics we will cover in this class related to issues of diversity in children's literature.

Now I guess I should let you know a little bit about myself. I am a junior at Michigan State University and am majoring in Special Education-Learning Disabilities with a focus on Language Arts. I have always enjoyed working with children and have always known I wanted to be a teacher. My entire life has been spent living in the beautiful state of Michigan and although I love it, I can not wait to move out west and start my own life as a teacher.

Well, I guess that's all until next time!


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